swell gives

swell gives

$15000+ donated to local organizations

since opening in 2020

Why We Give

While many students are familiar with yoga asana (physical postures), the term “yoga” means far more than the shapes we make with our bodies. Karmic yoga is an altruistic practice – selfless action undertaken for the well-being of others. Though we meet on our mats in the Swell studio, we take our yoga beyond the shala walls and out into our community by giving to different organizations and causes who support coastsiders.

All beings everywhere have faced a wide range of challenges in this life, and at Swell, we recognize that alongside those challenges comes a thread of privilege unique to us. We believe in the aphorism “a rising tide lifts all boats” and acknowledge that we are in a position to encourage the incoming tide with the hope of bringing greater equity to our community.

Ways We Give

Swell gives with time, energy, and financial support. Perhaps you’ve attended a Community Class, where we ask students to pay what they can in an effort to make the benefits of yoga more accessible to everyone. You might be a local parent who has reached out to us requesting a raffle donation for an elementary school auction. Maybe you’ve joined one of our Benefit Classes and have directly contributed to a pressing cause. You could be on the board of a local non-profit, reminding us that it’s Bike Hut or Cornhole season.

As proud as we are of our contributions as a business, we’re humbled by our students in our Swell community as they take karmic yoga one step further. By teaming up with one another to bring in even more funds for local organizations, they embody our value of collaboration & connectivity.

Who We Give To

Swell is proud to donate to a wide range of coastside organizations. We give to local schools, environmental non-profits, social justice causes, women’s reproductive health, unhoused populations, and more. Below are just a few of the many organizations:

  • ALAS
  • Abundant Grace
  • CEF
  • Coastside Hope
  • Cunha Intermediate
  • El Granada Elementary
  • Farallone Elementary
  • Hatch Elementary
  • Half Moon Bay High School
  • Sea Crest School
  • Sea Hugger
  • Wilkinson School
  • and more!

If you’re looking for donations for your organization or would like to learn more about our Swell Gives program, please connect with us at contact@swellyogastudio.com!