Intuitive Movement: 2nd Friday of Every Month*

Intuitive Movement: 2nd Friday of Every Month*

7:15-8:30pm / $40**

with Kianna Miller

**included in monthly unlimited subscriptions

Intuitive movement is the practice of embodying one’s inner knowing as an instrument for healing.

Different from yoga with its postures and symmetry or from dance with its choreography, intuitive movement is a way of using the physical body to follow our inner energetic guide without mental influence. 

We let go of everything we have been taught about movement – the ways we move and the reasons for movement, and we remember what it means to follow our inner guide without trying to logic our way through self-expression. With the mind stepping aside, we release emotion without attachment, we explore our unique spiritual expression without shame, and we reclaim our inner knowing as our guiding force. 

Sessions open with a brief overview of intuitive movement and our broad theme for the evening. You are then guided into the physical experience of class where our theme and music will encourage energy to flow freely through your body. Movement will build to a peak as you practice releasing mental limitations and welcome in expression free of judgment or reason. The physical intensity will soften down and end in complete stillness where you will invite your internal vibration to release any lingering energy. Sessions close with an opportunity for self-reflection and sharing within our intimate group.

*Open to all female-identifying students

**Available with unlimited memberships or $40 drop-in